Happy Fall to All our Members!
Hope you all are out enjoying some horseback riding in this beautiful fall weather. Our horses, Tate and Toby, are a bit frisky in the mornings but then quickly settle down.

Thank goodness that the oppressive heatwave has finally moved on! We had to cancel or
change some events due to the extreme high temperatures. Hope you and all your critters made it through okay!

Well another High Ride is in the books! We had some challenges, but soon overcame those. We had a great bunch of guests and our awesome Twain Harte Horsemen members made it a wonderful event…

We had two successful and fun rides this past month. Diana Moreci headed up a group campout at Turkey Hill. They went on several
fun rides and had a great time…

Well, it looks like summer has arrived all at once! Time to start riding up the hill where there is cooler weather. The Barnyard Sale was postponed due to the forecast of HOT temperatures the next few days…

Twain Harte Horsemen wants to thank the 10 THH riders who turned out for the Motherlode Roundup Parade on Saturday May 7…

This month we have the Pardee Ride led by Diana Moreci on April 16th. Then the Top High Hand Ride on April 30th at Peoria Flat…

Daffodils and Vaccinations

A serious outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus 1 (EHV-1) at a Bay Area stable just two months ago is a reminder that it is time to start thinking about vaccinations for your horses…

Top Hand Poker Ride
Saturday April 30, 2022
Peoria Flat off O’Byrnes Ferry Rd.

Membership Dues Reminder
It’s that time of year again! Membership Dues are to be paid by January 31, 2022.

Eagle Meadows High Ride

It is not too early to start thinking about the Twain Harte Horsemen’s High Ride. Add it to your calendar and see you there.