Happy November!
It’s almost Thanksgiving—how did that happen? Hope y’all have your wood stacked and ready to go and the leaves raked because winter will be upon us before we know it!

We’ve got a few great events coming up that should be fun for everybody.

October at last!
I look forward to this month every year.
I rode to Camp Lake recently and the colors were amazing.
The days are warm and the evenings are cool. Perfect riding weather!
Two big things coming up! The Christmas Dinner and installation of 2024 officers and board members is December 15.

September already!
August went by quickly and we were blessed with awesome weather. There has been enough rain to keep the dust off the trails and flowers blooming, and not too hot day after day.

We’ve passed the middle of August, and summer is making its last stand—with lightning and thundershowers, kids ready to go back to school, Tuolumne Rd North opening, days getting shorter, and the High Ride behind us. Time to relax and enjoy!

I’d like to start off this month’s Prez Sez with spreading sunshine to Sandee Watts. She is a strong, determined woman, and an inspiration to all. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Twain Hart Horsemen’s participation in the Motherlode parade was followed by a celebratory lunch, including a cake marking the 75th Anniversary of Twain Hart Horsemen….

Here it is May, and the mountains have been slow to open. By now we are usually at least riding 3N01 (Long Barn), but the gate is still closed. All the forest roads will be late this year…

Welcome to spring! Finally! Now is the time to dust on your boots and throw up a saddle – Peoria and Red Hills are in their glory. I’ve never seen so many wildflowers — it is definitely a super bloom year…

Well, it’s Sunday afternoon and it’s pouring down rain yet again, along with bonus thunder and lightning. Those of us with horses and livestock know that chores are 10
times harder in the mud, rain and snow…

Our 2023 event calendar is ready. There are many fun events this year! We have new rides and campouts planned…

For those that don’t know me (and I’m sure there are many!), my name is Linda Post…

Well it is looking quite a bit like winter these days, where did fall go?
The horses have gotten their fuzzy winter coats, but are also enjoying having a barn to hangout in during the storms…

Eagle Meadows High Ride

It is not too early to start thinking about the Twain Harte Horsemen’s High Ride. Add it to your calendar and see you there.