Hello to all of you wonderful THH members.

I am so honored to be serving as president of THH this year. It all started a few years ago when a new neighbor moved in across the street with her horses…

Looks like mountain weather has arrived! Fireplace is going, wood is stacked, and outdoor areas are winterized. Now it’s time to get ready for the holidays…

October is nomination time for Twain Harte Horsemen. We have three positions open—President, Secretary and one board member. If you haven’t received one already, please expect a call from the nominating committee to see if perhaps
you want to be part of the clubs inner workings.

September 2024. The kids are back in school, there’s less folks visiting from out of town, and the mountains are ours again! This is the best time to visit our local lakes and tourist spots and there are plenty to choose from. I hope you get out there and soak up some of the great outdoors.

A little story from the High Ride on how I earned the “Horseshoe”.

After a ride to Inspiration Point, then lunch, then almost back to camp, a couple of us decided to go cool off at the swimming hole. My horse was not to happy to turn around, especially leaving behind his newfound girlfriend…

The mountains are a perfect place to get away from the heat. Our trail clearing and camp cleanup at Eagle Meadows had temperatures 25° below Sonora! A huge thank you to everybody who came out and helped. We had Myron, Jan, Lance, Joy, Colleen, Janine, Roy, Ron, David, John, Jackie and me. The trails were in their early summer splendor with wildflowers everywhere.

June has arrived with warm weather and promises of mountain rides. Lots of closures still in effect so check with Summit for up to date information before heading up the mountain…

Sixteen members showed up May 18 to help open Center Camp. John and Myron had already cleared the arena which left raking and clean up around the buildings…

After a few false starts, spring has actually sprung! Now it’s the hurry up and wait game for forest roads to open—can’t wait to get in the mountains! Merrill Springs Rd (Long Barn) usually opens with trout season, which is the last Saturday in April. Fingers crossed!

Our spring Top Hand ride is Saturday, April 20th. The flowers at Peoria are spectacular! Top hand wins a buckle!

It’s Spring! We had a few nice riding days and then bam! The door closed and we are back to a week of rain starting Wednesday. At least the hills will be greener longer. I spent the last weekend at Back Country Horsemen’s Rendezvous at Diamond Bar in Ceres. I know a lot of our members are also member of BCH Mid-Valley…